In just 2 weeks time, it will be the Chinese new year festival when most people indulged in their bak kwa and their favourite cookies such as pineapple tarts and kueh bangkit.
But for this year, I will shelve aside all baking plans and not have any self-purchase cookies in my house (unless given by some generous soul)
But for this year, I will shelve aside all baking plans and not have any self-purchase cookies in my house (unless given by some generous soul)
This year, I am replacing them with Antoinette's Mandarina ($9/$45 for whole)
After leaving in room temperature for about 20min, the ultra-silky-ice-cream like milk chocolate mousse reached the perfect texture and the sweetness is cut through by the Mandarin orange custard and a pillowy dark chocolate sponge
I particularly adore the shiny dark chocolate and orange glaze around the cake which makes it even more appealing to the eyes. The caramelised almond pieces hidden at the base is an additional bonus for a crunchy bite.
The seasonal limited edition Mandarin Orange Macaron($2.50) may not be the best ones in town but reminds you that Chinese new year is coming.
But out of all these, I like the King's Cake or Galette De Rois ($5 per slice) a traditional puff pastry filled with almond paste by Antoinette the best. Having tried at least 2 others( Tiong Bahru bakery and TWG) this year, this is so good that I am naming it the King of the King's cake.
Why? Simply because the layers of puff pastry holds its structure and kept the air holes well trapped in between, a good sign of a well baked pastry that do not require extra baking time in the oven( which I usually do as most pastries are underbaked like a chewy rubber) What's more its the most affordable deal out of all.
Though I know these things might not appeal to traditionalists, but I'm pretty sure one would not regret trying them. Yes, they might appear sinful but I doubt they are any less sinful than what we have been eating during the festive season.
Though I know these things might not appeal to traditionalists, but I'm pretty sure one would not regret trying them. Yes, they might appear sinful but I doubt they are any less sinful than what we have been eating during the festive season.
Palais Orchard
CNY Brochure here
Obolo (Chocolate Yuzu Macaron)
Rochester Mall
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