Kyoto:Japan's No.1 Bread Consuming City and 5 Bakeries To Check Out 非抹茶而是面包!日本全国面包消费量第一、京都热门面包店。

Many people recognize Kyoto as a city in Japan that is not only famous for temples and shrines but also matcha. However, do you know that Kyoto is the top bread consuming city in the entire Japan?

Here are 5 popular and some new bakery spots which you may like to check out: 
Shinshindo 進々堂
A Kyoto-originated bakery with more than 100 years of history since 1913. Read here for more. Various outlets all over Kyoto 

Oike outlet:
Kyoto, Nagakyo-ku, Oike-dori, Yanagi Baba, Higashi-iri
Daily 7.30am-8pm 
For details, visit :

ORENO PAN okumura
This French-Kyoto bakery is not affiliated to the Oreno Group and famous for its 宇治の散歩, a green tea melon pan. Some of its bread are inspired by Kyoto ingredients like tsukemono (pickles) 

Kyoto Station Outlet:
〒600-8215 京都市下京区東塩小路釜殿町31-1 京都駅近鉄名店街みやこみち内

Le Petit Mec ル・プチメック
The No. 1 bakery ranked on tabelog. Famous for its French baguettes and croissants. Read more here about its cafe outlet in Shinjuku 

Oike Outlet
住所:京都府京都市中京区御池衣棚通上ル下妙覚寺町186番地 ビスカリア光樹1F

Flip up! フリップアップ
Flip some bagels and bread onto your tray in this hidden bakery located in the quiet residential area. Unlike those American bagels, these boast a nice mochi-like chewy texture and not too dry at all. The best seller is the Chocolate Bagel but lookout for interesting flavors like Black Bean Kinako and White Figs. 

7:00~18:00 (or till sold out)
Closed on Sun and Mon

Patisserie Boulangerie Tatsuhito Satoi
My favourite patisserie and boulangerie! Read here to find out why. Located near university.

京都市左京区北白川追分町2 Eフラット北白川1F
Tel: 075-285-1171
Closed on Wed 
京阪電車出町柳駅下車 徒歩約15分
市バス百万遍バス停 徒歩約5分âtisserie-TATSUHITO-SATOI-978434895584033/
